Owner, Richard has extensive experience in All aspects of the Sign Industry with several years experience in the Advertising business also. He has worked on almost every type of Signage there is. From Hand Lettering Signs & Billboards to just about every other type of Sign, Sign Materials, Servicing & Installations. Too many to list here.
Richard's abilities also include; Welding steel and aluminum, operating Buckets Trucks and Aerial Platforms of all types and Sign Cranes. Also Project Management and Estimating. Working for and with many Lrg. National Provider Sign Companies and Subcontractors to individual private customers.
Co-Owner Christy's experience is mostly in Advertising Art. Her talents of Fine Art Hand Paintings, intimate knowledge of Paints and Mixing of Paints, Gold Leaf Gilding, Graphic Design and Layout, Logo Design, Vinyl Prepping and Application and specific types of Installation knowledge as well as her skills of Project Management, Acquiring Permits and Zoning information. Including her Office Management/Controller duties she performs makes her Invaluable to Stetts Signs. Christy herself is a Remarkable woman in that though she hasn't done all the "hands-on" work Rich has done, she has become quite an Expert in the Sign Industry. Understanding many and much of the Complexities typically involved with all aspects of Fabrication as well as with Servicing and Installations. She is very Technically and Detail minded. There is not much that gets by her keen eyes in this industry. Rich and Christy compliment each other well in the Sign Industry. Working together to provide you with the Best Service possible.
In 2007 Partner Christy Stetts decided to Produce & Enter our Truck in the Mummers Parade held each year in South Williamsport, PA as a Promotional Event for our young company. Some thought she was crazy working in the hot sun in our back yard before we had a Shop, crawling around building a Full Size T-Rex Head to fit over our Bucket Truck bucket. When completed it was a Huge Success, exceeding everyone's expectations. Then early in 2008, Signs Of The Times Magazine announced their 2008 Vehicle Graphics Contest. Christy really wanted to enter our Dino-T-Rex Truck Float. We did & low & behold, we won (a really rare) Honorable Mention by the International Signs Of The Times Magazine in the Contest.
Locally the Parade Dino-T-Rex Head, was such a successful Promotional Event for our company, that we produced a new Upgraded Version for our Newer Bucket a couple years later.
People & especially the kids loved it. To this day we still keep the head in storage ready to display again.
In 2013 Little League World H.Q. called us & asked us to Design, Build & Install a New Official Museum & Store Sign for them. We came up with a 4-Post Cedar Construction Design with Arches, Windows & Cupola similar to their Buildings Architecture. Since they were a High Profile, Internationally Known Organization, we asked them if we could seek Publishing an Article about their New Sign in the International Signs Of The Times Magazine. They agreed, so we contacted ST-Media Grp. International & they published an article. We are very Proud to have been chosen by Little League for their new sign project!
See the actual Article in the September Issue of the 2013 Edition of The Signs Of The Times Magazine pdf file Link below.
Thank You Little League International!

World of Little League Museum
How We Came To Start
Our Business.
A Christian Family Owned Company!